Oh, no, it’s VAT return time, say many business owners in Milton Keynes and elsewhere. Fortunately Holmes Accountancy will remove that “oh, no” factor from your business and leave you free to get on with what you’re good at. 
VAT was complex right from its inception and every time business owners think they’ve “got it” at last, the government seems to make yet more changes to the rules and regulations. 
Fortunately, here at Holmes Accountancy we keep an eye very firmly on the VAT ball and if you would rather not engage in that ball game any more, we would be delighted to take yours on for you. 
It’s simply a case of sending your paperwork to us regularly and we do all the calculations. 
When they’re done we prepare and draft your VAT Return, then send it to you to check over and agree. Once you confirm the return, we submit it to HMRC via their website. 
Finally we confirm how much you need to pay and by when. And of course if HMRC owe you anything, we’ll inform you about that too. 

VAT services available from Holmes Accountancy include: 

VAT applications 
Guidance on the most appropriate VAT scheme for your business 
Completing VAT returns; 
Removing any worry about VAT inspections 
Ensuring you pay the least amount of VAT within the law 

Contact Us 

Call Susan and the team on 01908 315 716 or email susan@holmesaccountancy.co.uk and let’s arrange a free, no-obligation discussion so you can see how Holmes Accountancy will truly leave you free to do what you’re good at. 



Tax Returns 


Company Formation 



